Posts Tagged ‘Sprint’



In Phones,Technology on March 24, 2012 by My Crushed Soul Tagged: , , ,

Let that be a lesson as to the wake of destruction Apple leaves in it’s path (not that Sprint hasn’t brought this on themselves in other 4G ways).  Cripples AT&T, brings Sprint to the verge of bankruptcy, and smashes Verizon’s profit margin.  That’s what you get for catering to people that want an overpriced piece of plastic 3G garbage that has the standard Apple claim to fame of having fewer options and buttons because it has a name people recognize and some crappy gimmicks (aka, SIRI, the fancy version of just doing a Google voice search).  Apple, the company that is “safer and less prone to problems” due to the fact that you can’t do as much with it, and virus creators haven’t wasted time with it.

For everyone that thinks that iPhones really have a more stable UI/App selection (which SHOULD favor Apple, due to the fact that the iTunes market so closely regulated and marked up as opposed to an open sourced Android market that encourages developers to make and release applications without Android oversight, I have an interesting read for you –

And let’s just ignore the fact that the last three iPhone releases have been plagued with battery drain and antennae issues (see class action lawsuit recently settled).

So the next time people want to switch to Sprint, Verizon, or AT&T even just for an Android or Windows phone, let them know that they can enjoy the fact that either their new company is on the verge of bankruptcy, or they’ll be paying more per month than they should be to help offset the wonderfully insane subsidies those companies give off that overpriced, tiny screen 3G nightmare known as the iPhone in order to avoid losing the zero revenue market share iPhone users bring to the table.

Can anyone really tell me why an iPhone 4s retails for more than a Galaxy S2 besides the fact that Android runs a free operating system and Apple charges up the wazoo for theirs?  Same camera, slower processor, less powerful battery, screen size that’s less than 2/3rds of the square inch size, etc…  It makes no sense.  Not to mention you can actually buy more powerful, extended batteries for android phones that last over twice as long if you aren’t opposed to using the replacement cover they come with and dealing with a slight bit of additional phone thickness.  Or you could just get a second battery to switch out when you get low.  You can’t even open an iPhone to LOOK at its battery without a screwdriver and a voided warranty!  I guess Apple knows its target market, and realizes that if their customers are able to get a hold of the phone’s battery there’s not much that would stop them from trying to eat it, or drooling on it.

Thanks Apple, for being so horrible that you actually make life worse for the rest of smartphone users.  I’ll happily maintain service with a company that hasn’t sold its soul.  Way to distract me from what was supposed to be a simple rant against Sprint being run by kindergarteners (see WiMax disaster, see rewards discontinuation, see paying the better part of 20 billion for a phone two other major carriers are already bleeding themselves dry for).

-Apple’s #1 fan (most inspiring marketing team ever),
Dan (Apple Lover) Flood