Archive for the ‘Kids’ Category


Some People Sure Hate Kids

In Kids on April 18, 2012 by My Crushed Soul Tagged: , ,

I’ll admit, I’m not kids’ #1 super fan.  Sometimes poorly behaved kids annoy me and make me wish I could keep them far away from me, but damn.  Some people take kid hating to a somewhat creepy level.

Interested in sharing stories about how much you hate kids?  Want to talk about ways you would like to murder them in cold blood?  I hope not, but here’s where you can find people that share that point of view.

Here are a few wonderful example stories, followed by actual comments.

Why Do Women Waste Time And $$ On An Education Just To Kill Time Before They Breed…

Posted December 12th, 2011 at 12:58AM

I have a friend that is SO smart, SO educated, who just finished her SECOND PH-D… not to mention she also has 2 Bachelors degrees. She is in her mid 30s and hasn’t even started a career yet because she has been working ALL these years on her education. Well, along comes a man. Now, keep in mind she is Jewish, and though I do not discriminate against someone’s religious/ethnic background, it can play a key role in your life decisions. Yes, I AM saying that religion can pressure a person to do things out of GUILT and SHAME that one would never do ordinarily to please their so called “God” or others, but whatever happened to rational thinking is another topic.

Anyhow, this friend of mine meets a nice Jewish man, and instead of following through with her goal of actually USING her education for the good of herself and society by getting a high end job she could truly contribute her talents to, she gets married, knocked up within the 1st 3 months of marriage, and now has a second kid on the way and hasn’t worked in her educated career field SINCE she graduated college and met her man. THIS IS JUST SAD and PATHETIC. Women who go to college (or even not) and just go through life “killing time” until they can get married and breed is a sad state of affair if you ask me. Certainly there ARE women, to be fair, who do work AND raise kids, but DON’T convince me she isn’t either COMPLETELY wiped out at the end of the day trying to do both, OR she has a VERY high child care bill while someone ELSE raises her kid. It is no wonder most CEOs are MEN, and it’s no wonder companies prefer MEN in the work place. MEN aren’t going to take a responsible job only to quit within 6 months because “ooops, I just wanted to be pregnant anyway!” Nor do men need to dart out of the office every hour on special break priveleges to pump their breasts, or leave work early for a parent/teacher meeting because your little brat who is attention starved was throwing spit wads again at the teacher. Point is, we have an over population problem, we have thousands of foster kids ALREADY on the earth with NOBODY to care for them, and yet, the intelligent women of the world SAY they want to be educated and want equal working rights, and to go out there and change the world, but then just ADD to the problem, throwing away their passion, intelligence, and degrees, not to mention man hours and student loans for nothing. OH WAIT, but I guess the whole point is not to USE your OWN intelligence, it’s to pass it on to your children via genetics. OHHHHHHHHHH! MY bad, I get it now!!!!

Posted by skullcrusher on Jan 19th, 2012 at 4:57PM

I couldn’t agree with both of you more. Truth is you are both right, and to throw away a shot at a really good career for what…..a money-munching wallet monster that you are STUCK with for at least 18 years! So instead of making money you are draining your bank account on baby wipes, diapers, baby food, all that crap and nonsense when you should be taking your money and booking a cruise, getting a nice car or truck…and get back to LIVING FOR YOU!! I will personally NEVER put myself through all that for what? Society’s approval? Then THEY can pay to raise the spoiled little **** and wipe his a$$. No people, WE are the smart ones. We didn’t go add to the already overpopulated nation that’s sinking in child welfare debt faster than Titanic. So glad to see others who can agree that it just is not worth the time, aggravation, money, bull$**** and nonsense.

Reply by onetallbichick Mar 1st, 2012 at 4:47AM

Hello Alien, it is a FACT that most pregnancies are accidents (more than half) and it is also a fact that the 86% polled middle class workforce disliked their jobs. I’m asking you to bridge the correlation here. Accidents = do what you gotta do, put dreams on hold to take care of kids. Now, since 60% of us were UNplanned, don’t you think that MAY just fall under a category not relevant to baby bliss? Why don’t you take a look at these posts: I’m afraid dear, that a majority of people feel this way (not ALL parents of course!) But a majority. No one wants to talk about it because you can’t just give away your kids once you have them. You kind of have to just make the best of it. But I think personally misery loves company and so when one person struggles with having a family and feels stuck, they falsely tell the world, “hey it’s great! I will feel better if I’m not the only one that made a premature decision to have kids!” I am speaking in general terms here Alien. Not for EVERYONE. I am however judging the ignorant, miserable, majority though. And, if society were not overrun with irresponsible, uneducated, overpopulated groups, you can bet your *** there would be more happier, healthy communities indeed using their talents and intelligence to work in a field that makes them happy and fulfilled. Everyone has a ******* dream, and you know it! And yes, everyone has a right to fulfill that dream, OR they can choose to let life live for them instead of the latter. When you let an “accident” live life for you, it is pretty hard to take control of your dreams. I say – LESS ******* ACCIDENTS!
Yea, no thanks. Dont expect me at any more holidays
By: Iseuel
Age: 31-35
So, my sister told me last weekend that she’s pregnant. Now I’m fine with that, she lives far enough away from me that I probably won’t have to be anywhere near it. But she keeps telling me things about being pregnant. I don’t want to know. Pregnancy details make my skin crawl. Every time she mentions it all I can think about being forced to be in the same room with this puking, pooping, screaming thing. I just don’t want to be anywhere near it.

Posted by Spaceship44 on Mar 1st, 2012 at 3:22AM

She wants an ear. Too bad. Don’t give her our time. She messed up with getting pregnant in the first place! You weren’t asked if you’d be a part of this because you’re not ready anyway. Complete selfishness on her part!

Posted by skullcrusher on Mar 17th, 2012 at 12:47PM

I’m with you! Who give’s a rat’s ***! We as a group of people need to stick to putting ourselves first! It’s her mistake and now there’s no turning back. I purposely avoid the holiday locations where people’s kids are and go to the location where they aren’t! Like I will have dinner at moms when the kids arent there. Then, when the kids are on their way, i leave and go to the sisters, where the kids just left hahaha. At least she lives a good distance away. Only the neighbors will have to hear that kid scream at the top of his lungs lol.

POS Kids

Posted November 13th, 2011 at 8:04PM

  • By: Snare
  • Age: 26-30, Woman
I’ve never liked kids, but I think my hatred ignited when my boyfriend’s sister had her second illegitimate child with a married man twice her age.  She had her first child when she was 20 with her then boyfriend who she later dumped.  Then she got married to a guy in the Navy and left him (but they’re still married because she needs those sweet benefits for her rug rats).  Right when she was leaving her Navy husband, she got pregnant but it (thankfully) resulted in a miscarriage.  She got all upset about it for some reason (she’s had 5-7 abortions previously so you think she’d be used to having fetuses die).  So then she hooked up with a married middle school teacher who is very much NOT separated from his wife since he lives with her, their two kids, and his mother to this very day.  She had his child a year ago and lives with my boyfriend’s parents who are nearing retirement age and shouldn’t be raising two children and having their grown POS daughter mooching off of them.Anyway – aside from this scenario being not so ideal, the two girls are awful.  The older one (who is now 5) is a total brat.  My boyfriend’s mother (who hasn’t worked a day in her life because she’s a baby factory and doesn’t have to work) dotes on the child and buys her everything that she would ever want even though the child deserves nothing.  The baby gets the same treatment.  In fact, my boyfriend’s mother threw out all of the older child’s hand-me-down clothes because she wants the baby to have all new clothing even though the fathers provide no support for said clothing (or food, or shelter, or anything – my boyfriend’s father finances their lives 100% along with the rest of their family).  I’ve gotten a little bitter about this money situation especially because whenever my boyfriend and I need anything we are forced to ask my parents because his parents are paying for his sister’s two little mistakes.  Not only that, but they purposefully did not pay for my boyfriend’s college tuition because they thought he needed the responsibility.  So he’s in major college debt still, but they WILL pay for these two children who in my mind are mistakes unlike a college education which is a positive life change.  Plus their fathers should be paying for the children – not the grandparents.  Why do people get rewarded for screwing up?  It makes no sense.So I have a good deal of resentment towards these two children.  I did not like children beforehand and this situation has put the nail in the coffin.  My boyfriend’s mom and his stupid sister ask me when I’m having kids and I say never.  Although I’ve been saying that for over 2 years they just don’t seem to get it.

Breeder/Birther Wall at Work

Posted March 6th, 2011 at 9:33AM

Its bad enough I have to see their ugly kid pics in their cubes ! This isnt good enough ! Now we have a disgusting birther wall  of their gross hideous newborns plastered all over the noticed board! What makes it even worse its near the kitchenette sink/microwave. I have to see their ugly newborn faces while I prepare my food ! I dont know what is worse, their ugly kids or the breeders ! All breeders thinking their kids are the most beautiful things ! Oh yeah, and “how smart their crying, spitting, and crapping  brats are” GRRRRRRRRRRR ! Last week myself and a co worker had enough!  In response to this disgusting birther wall  we took a stand against the breeders ! We removed their blown up self indulging, self centered ,ugly newborn  pics from the noticed board ! Less than a day later their ugly offsprings were plaster all over the board again ! Then we had the male breeders stating in response to their offsprings being removed. ” I dont care, take them down.” Yeah we did  ! You so called men put your ugly newborn pics back up ! Stop being rude and stop posting pics of your ugly clones ! We dont want to see your disgusting “job security / you cant lay me off , i have kids.” Pics !!!! BS !  When will you breeders realize ! YOUR BABIES ARE UGLY AND WE DONT GIVE A RATS *** ABOUT THEM !
On a separate note…

Posted by skullcrusher on Jan 21st, 2012 at 1:24PM

OH believe me I wanted to!!! I have thought about it in retrospect. Drilling holes in the kid’s fingernails, hooking them with telephone wire, and dragging him 7 miles across I-95 would of been too easy of a punishment. Dumping hot oil from the french fries over him would of gotten rid of that ugly little pie hole he calls a face, but it wouldn’t of gotten rid of him. I could of threw him through the second story window and tell the cops he fell but the tears running down my eyes and my uncontrolled laughter would of given it away LOL